One-on-One Coaching, Consulting & Training

Whether you are an executive, organization, or family, level up your emotional intelligence and confidence with Sharon’s approach. It’s a game changer.

Personal one-on-one coaching - starting at $185 for 90 minutes.

Executive coaching - contact Sharon for rates to meet immediate and wide range goals.


Engage the Gallup Q12 with new depth. Put empathy, clarity, and energy to work. The science and soft skills equip leaders, HR professionals, and managers, to accelerate the hard skills of team performance.

Fresh EI Insights & Gallup Q12

Half-Day Training

Equip Yourself

Explore and customize ways to foster employee engagement and conflict productivity. Harness the power of trust to overcome challenges. Increase passion and ownership for driving outcomes.

Full-Day Offsite

Increase efficiency and productivity; invest in your team’s potential.

Dedicate time to connect with your employees. Enhance innovation with personalized tools, learn the art of turning conflict to collaboration, and increase employee morale and wellness.

Sharon Kuhn has such a wonderful way of relaying the importance of showing emotional intelligence in the business environment. It is so relevant to today’s interpersonal communications.

Roger, Family Business Owner

Additional Services

Corporate Training and Coaching

Using Sharon’s innovative program, Your Interior Design, gain customizable tools for personal and professional excellence, confidence, team trust and cohesion.

For businesses, schools, and families.

Speaking Events

Sharon is available to speak at your event, providing valuable, cutting edge insights on emotional, organizational, and holistic health

Resource Development

Utilize Sharon’s expertise and wealth of knowledge to help you create your next program, curriculum, or training course.

As a therapist with Parkview Behavioral Health, I wanted to take a moment to express how truly grateful I am to have met Sharon! I have learned SO much about myself in my relationships/family as well as gained skills as a therapist.

I have much more confidence in myself as a therapist through affirming, attuning, co-regulation, love languages and other skills learned through my work with Sharon.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart Sharon Kuhn!

— Jeri Forrest, LCSW